
Some behavioirs are exposed by gestures, such as left swipe.

Event Actions

  • Share - share the event, including AirDrop to a laptop or other device.
  • Edit - edit the event details.
  • Delete - destroy permenantly.

Keyword Set Actions

  • Share - share the event, including AirDrop to a laptop or other device.
  • Default - make the default keyword set.
  • Copy - create a new keyword set from these keywords.
  • Edit - edit the event details.
  • Delete - destroy permenantly.

Advanced Keyword Set Management

  • Import Keywords on Manage Keyword Sets presents a list of keyword sets to be imported from your Google Drive 'Timestamped Field Notes' folder. This allows you to re-import keyword sets that the application saved there, including from other devices.
  • Bulk Add on a Keyword Set allow free form typing of a list of keywords, each line becoming a keyword.
  • Extract Keywords on a Keyword Set scans events that used the keyword set looking for commonly used words to suggest as new keywords.
Event Actions

Swipe left on events to uncover the event actions.

Keyword Set Actions

Swipe left on keyword sets to uncover the event actions.